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Because we are a private studio, we are restricting numbers at the shop. So do not bring anyone to your appointment, only yourself.

Tri will not be sending designs prior to your appointment. Majority of his work is freehanded, so designs will be drawn onto you on the day of booking.

We go by the outlined image you presented, as that is what you are quoted for. If you are wanting to extend your tattoo, let us know in advanced as there will be additional fees. 

Please do not be late for your appointment as we may cancel if there is another appointment after yours.

Things to do before your appointment :

-Eat breakfast

-Shave the tattooed area

-Consume some sugar so you stay level-headed

-Stay well-rested the night before as it increases your pain tolerance 

-Do not consume alcohol or drugs

-Do not tan before your appointment (includes fake tanning) 

Seventh Day Studio